Duck: Brittney Davies
Brittney Davies
Copy Editor, Asst. Feature Editor Fall 2008-Spring 2010
Let’s put it this way: Like a surprise pregnancy, I was an accident. Freshmen aren’t supposed to — and shouldn’t — be hired as head copy editors, especially a month into college and when they barely know what AP style is. But regardless of the desperation that must have been involved, I was sucked into a world where people chug beer from a leather shoe, sleep one-tenth of the time they should and chase after sirens. Four semesters, some dreams about AP style and a few 6 a.m. breakfast trips later, I wouldn’t have preferred it any other way.
Meredith: Daily Miracle and whatnot, you were an amazing EIC and I’m glad we became better friends this semester. I guess sometimes it doesn’t matter if you don’t do the assigned reading.
Katie: Let’s make our own SU basketball book, K? Also, yoga mat shopping?! And then bRoWnIeZzZz, of course! I wish you tons of luck next year and know you’ll do a fantastic job. Just shut it down, keep the traditions alive and make sure I’m invited to Girls Night.
Kelly: I suppose I should thank you for being the Janis Ian to my Cady Heron at The D.O. (in a really fetch way). One day you will come to Long Island and love it. I think. Oh, and let’s get some cawwffeee soon, duh. You go, Glenn Coco!
Bill: I hope the planets align (aha.aha.) and I see lots of you in dirty jerz this summer. Thanks for not caring too much (I hope) about the fact that I’m always at your house and that you’re (allegedly) my second boyfriend.
Flash: I missed you a ton this semester! Wear your plaid socks more often and the world is yours. Don’t let the memories of Fall ’09 Feature fade away.
Fall ‘09 Feature: You still make my dreams come true and I’ll never listen to Hall and Oates the same way. Hearts, hearts, hearts, dance parties and more hearts. And Roly Poly reunions next semester!!
Kathleen, Beckie, Kheel: You guys did an amazing job with news this semester. I can’t wait to pick up the paper next year. And Kheel, keep up the interpretive dancing.
Abram: I know I give you a hard time for being a grouch, but I’ve really learned a lot from you. Get Kelly’s boobs out of your face for a sec and we’ll watch ‘The Wire’ or ‘Mad Men’ one of these days, mkay?
Shayyyyyynaaaa: I admire your passion for journalism and effing Thursdays, which WILL be restarted next semester. And let’s go back to The Newseum sometime!
Erinn and Dockery: Seriously, thanks for not firing me my first semester. And Dockery, thanks for doing The Twist to enforce copy deadline.
Rebecca T: I’m glad you’re still around between The D.O. and WTH after being the first person I met at SU. Just stay away from bowls of cheese.
Lauren: I love that I got to share the porch with you this semester, even if it still looks like Santa barfed everywhere. Lunch dates in NYC this summer?
Bethany: I’m super glad you enjoy coffee as much as I do. See ya around Bird Library.
Ben: Hey, B. Thanks being my first D.O. friend and walking me home every night, including that time you got mugged. I still feel terrible about that.
Jaimie: Your numerous training sessions were a tremendous help.
Steph: Never forget how talented you are. Also, you make a mean potato salad.
Sports boys past and present: I really enjoyed laughing during your mac brainstorm sessions. (One day I’ll see ‘Stick of Luck’ somewhere and die of laughter.) Thanks for not making fun of my dumb questions and for letting me watch ‘The Office’ in, well, your office.
Jared: One day we will double date at Carrabbas (or Mumbles!) again, and it will be awesome.
Tyler: Just keep grinding. And go Jazz!
Ehalt: Hamster on a piano.
Tony: Get ready to rock Long Island print.
Andrew, Brett, etc.: Sports is in good hands with you guys.
Susan: I’m so glad you’re taking over! Read lots and lots over the summer and you’ll be great!
Asst. copy editors past and present: Thank you for accepting my inner crazy when I treat copy as my pride and joy and hate when you do it wrong. Take comfort in the fact that I will probably just end up even crazier and with lots of cat sweaters.
Porch: I’m sorry for betraying you for Feature that one semester. Oh, and please know that it really concerns me that you’re slanting so much.
Pup Food/Cawffee: So many <3s.
Mom and Dad: Thanks for being proud of me and not making me quit, no matter how baggy my eyes looked over Skype.
Professor Glavin: Every time I get compliments on a story I think of how lucky I am that you taught me to write. I’ll always be grateful for that.
Natasha: I apologize for only being in Watson and BBB for like, five seconds a day and for the many times I slumped in at 4 a.m. We need more sushi in our lives.
Conor: Oh how things have changed since I was your boss and thought you were a terrible misogynist. You are the Jim to my Pam, and I love continuing the head copy-sports romance tradition with you. From taking me to Thornden after work for the meteor shower to giving me your pickles on a pretty much daily basis, every minute we’re together only gets better. Here’s to summer in the city, Gary (and allergy meds?) and the Jazz. I love you.
D.O. alumni: Paloozas have made me realize how much I love this place. And convinced me that college really is a sham.
To the next generations of D.O.ers: You know, sometimes it sucks. Sometimes you’re going to feel like life is out of control and you’re just a slave to 744. But believe me when I say it’s completely worth it.
Oh sugar, it looks like I’m out of space. Farewell, 744
Published on May 4, 2010 at 12:00 pm